Pilgrimage to Finisterre and Muxia
Pilgrimage to Finisterre and Muxia
Hike To the End of the World
The route to Muxia from Santiago is 86 km long and takes approximately three days, similarly, the route to Santiago to Finisterre from Santiago is 89 km long and takes about three days. For those interested the route from Santiago to either town and then onto the other is about 115 km and can take between four to five days to complete.
In general, this route has three potential finishing points – either Muxia or Finisterre, both of which are small villages on the Ocean shoreline, or you can loop back to the city of Santiago. This means that you can either trek from Santiago towards Muxia and then onto Finisterre or from Santiago to Finisterre and onto Muxia. The route to either Muxia or Finisterre is the same until the town of Hospital where hikers then have to choose which town they will visit (or trek to first). We choose to conclude our hike in Finisterre for practical reasons - namely the availability of a morning bus back to Santiago. However, trekking from Muxia to Finisterre also 'romantically' lets pilgrims hike to “the end of the world” – Fin du Terre or Finisterre on the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean. Regardless of the route you choose, both Finisterra and Muxia offer Compostela indicating that you have walked or biked there and received stamps in your Credential.
Relatively speaking, after having trekked any of the other Caminos, the venture to either Finisterre or Muxia is a short one. In our case, having just completed the central route of the Camino Portuguese we felt that the Camino Finisterre gave us the opportunity to see the coastline and its scenic beauty. Years ago, when we completed the Camino Frances, we wanted to continue travelling with those we had spent so much time with on The Way to Santiago.
The Camino Finisterre is beautiful and scenic. The towns along the route are well developed with albergues, restaurants, bars and cafes along the way. In addition, the signage and way-marking are well done and clear throughout the trail making for a relatively straightforward trek along the route.
From our experiences in both towns, there were more places to visit and relax in Muxia. In addition, Muxia seemed to be a more picturesque town site located between the ocean, a hill, and a port with nice local beaches, which had an overall less 'touristy feel' to it. By comparison, the lighthouse in Finisterre is wonderful to arrive at (and conclude your hike at) and more easily accommodates day visitors and transportation to and from Santiago.
There is of course a number of guidebooks produced and in our case, we utilized Mr. Brierley's edition once again.
you on the Trail!
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